08 March 2011

I'm baaaaack...

I'm going to try this whole blogging thing again but this time for a better cause. I stepped on the scale at the gym yesterday and was SO disappointed in myself. The past year of grad school full-time and working full-time has not left me with much time to take care of myself and apparently that has taken its toll. I'm ready to change that! It's time to make time for working out and to get my butt in gear!

So, I've decided to train for a 5k. I am not a runner and never have been. I've started training once before but I've never been able to complete the training successfully since I've still never run more than 2 miles straight. I want to change that. One, because I hate failing and two, because running is something I can fit in to my busy schedule since all I need is pavement. Since Micah and I were trying to plan a trip to Hawaii I figured that was going to be the best motivation I could find. So, on May 15, on the beautiful island of Oahu, I will (hopefully) complete my first 5k.

So why blog about it? Mainly because I need motivation BADLY! I am the queen of justifying everything and I am hoping that if I can keep a record of my workout schedule, weight lost and some yummy, healthy recipes that I'll have an easier time sticking to my plan. I'm hoping it'll be a way that I can track my progress so it'll be easier to motivate myself to keep going. Plus, one of my good friends started this awesome blog with some friends that she's training with...so I'm really copying her. :)

I have made a couple of short term goals that I'm hoping to accomplish by the time I step on that plane to Hawaii.

1. Lose 10 pounds - depending on what scale I use I am either 152 (gym scale) or 148 (home scale). My lowest weight was 133 and I was very confident and thought I looked great at that weight. I'd like to get back to that eventually but I think 10 pounds is a reasonable start.

2. Complete a 5k- Duh! That's the whole point of this blog. I am not worried about how fast or slow I do it, I just want to FINISH!

3. Eat Healthy - With our busy schedule, Micah and I have sort of fallen off the healthy band-wagon. Quick fixes and eating out has become far too frequent and I don't even want to think about how much sodium we've had in the past few months. I did some batch cooking the other day so hopefully the fact that there is quick and easy stuff in the freezer will help with this!

4. Work out at least 3 times a week - I'm hoping that some weeks I'll be able to work out more but I would like this to be my starting point. I think this will be hard enough with class two nights a week and a puppy at home.

So help me out! Keep me motivated! Ask me if I've been working out. Or just read and enjoy the recipes I hope to post. I'm off to a good start with a run/lift day on Monday and spinning tonight and I'm loving the feeling. Hopefully I can keep it up!


  1. Good luck Katie!! I know you can do it! I have fallen off the work-out wagon too. If you ever want to hit the gym together let me know!

  2. I'm proud of you Katie! If you want a running buddy ever let me know. We could run and have dinner (a healthy dinner of course!). :)
